Wednesday, 27 August 2014

Seller Review: The SixthLeafClover

Who: The SixthLeafClover
What: Coffee Dragon sticker x2, Tea Dragon sticker x2, 2014 Zodiac Dragons Calendar
How Much: US$9 (plus $10 shipping to the UK)
Purchased: 22nd August 2014
Arrived: 27th August 2014

Ok, I admit it, I cannot resist a bargain, or a sale! So when I saw a post on Facebook about The SixthLeafClover Tea & Coffee Dragon stickers being reduced by half price, I had to go and order a few. I already have their Tea Dragon Mug from their Zazzle store, so I know I love the artwork, and with the older calendar also being reduced I figured I might as well throw that in as well because it wouldn't add any more to the shipping cost.

My delivery arrived today, very fast, but it seems someone didn't read the BIG RED DO NOT BEND stamps (it wouldn't surprise me if it's the postal guys on my end, you should see what they do to postcards!) but thankfully the calendar and stickers have not suffered much at all.

The stickers are bright, shiny and look great, I'm wishing I'd bought a bunch more now! The calendar is printed on really good quality, glossy paper and looks wonderful too. The fact that we're already halfway through 2014 doesn't bother me at all, because the art isn't any less gorgeous. Even though I don't strictly need another calendar for next year (I backed one on Kickstarter) I might end up ordering their 2015 one next pay day because you can never have too many dragons (despite what my partner says!)

Overall, very happy and would buy from again :)

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